To access the submitted Cancellation Request forms, select Browse Cancellations under the Cancellations section on the left menu.
- To narrow search selections, select Program from the top drop-down menu
- Once a category is selected, choose a specific program from the right drop-down menu.
- To further narrow down the results, you can select User ID, Username, Telephone, Amount Refunded, or Amount Paid. Enter search criteria in the text field and check the Partial Match box if you are unsure of the complete information.
- You can also sort by the date range when the user Registered or the Program Starts. You can either enter a date in the fields (dd/mm/yy) or select the calendar icon beside the date fields to select the appropriate date using the calendar feature.
The Cancellation Browser screen allows you to view the Cancellation ID, Item name, Username, Notes, Date Submitted, Date Updated, Amount Paid, Amount Refunded, Registration Date, and the Program Start Date.
To view the details for a submitted Cancellation Request Form, select the Cancellation ID. You will see all of the details on the Cancellation Information Screen.