The GL Accounts area is where you can view all the General Ledger information. Select GL Accounts under the Sales section on the left menu to view this information
- To narrow search selections, choose GL Account ID, GL Account Group, GL Account Name, or GL Account Number from the drop-down menu and enter the appropriate information into the text field. Check the Partial Match box if you would like to search by only a part of the information.
- You can also search for information by entering a date into the Date Ending field.
- Select the Apply Filters button to view the search results.
GL Accounts Screen
The GL Accounts screen allows you to view the Account Group, Account Name, Account Number, Transactions, Debit amounts and Credit amounts. To view the Account Transactions for a specific GL Account, click on the number in the Transactions column.
Accounts Transactions
The Accounts Transactions page allows you to see the specific transactions associated with a GL Account. Each GL Account will have different columns depending on the information associated with the GL Account transactions.
- To narrow search selections, choose Invoice Code, Invoice Status, GL Account Name, GL Account Number, User ID, Username, Last Name, First Name, or Email Address from the drop-down menu.
- Once a category is selected, enter the corresponding information in the text field. Check the Partial Match box if you are unsure of the exact name of the item.
- You can also filter by Date Ending by selecting the calendar icon and selecting an appropriate date.
- Select Apply Filters to view the search results
From the Account Transactions table, you can select an Invoice Code to view the Invoice Information screen of a specific transaction.