To view all of the available programs, select the Browse Programs option under the Programs section on the left menu. This page will show you the Program ID, Program Name, Courses (Course Components), Program Sections, Program Group, Cost Center, Start Date, End Date, and Course Sections for each program.
- To narrow search selections, choose either Program ID or Program Name from the drop-down menu. Enter search criteria in the text field and check the Partial Match box if you would like to search for part of the Program Name or Program ID
- After you enter you search criteria, select the Apply Filters button
- Select a Program ID to view specific details about a program.
The Export tab allows you to pull reports based on your search results.
For example, let's say you need to pull a report of all Programs within a Program Group:
- Select Program Group from the drop-down filter
- Select the program group from the drop-down that appears upon selecting the Program Group filter
- Select the Export tab
- You will be able to save the report as an Excel, XML, CSV, or TSV file.